English Faculty

The English Faculty at Foxford is a forward thinking, creative and hardworking team that is committed to developing an exciting and engaging curriculum for our diverse school community.  Led by Ms E Rees (Faculty Leader) and Miss Konstantinidou (Assistant Faculty Lead) our team collaborates and supports each other, adapting, updating and improving our curriculum with the aim of engaging our young people and preparing them for life beyond school. 

We pride ourselves in developing skills for life. This includes academic skills such as strong literacy and communication skills and the ability to analyse important details and information that will set a young person up for a successful career in a wide range of sectors. From writing fiction to practising law, from police work to running a successful business, from work in publishing to work in education –  a GCSE (or beyond) in English can unlock so much. In addition to this, we strive to develop knowledgeable and empathetic young people, who will live and work as a compassionate colleagues, friends and family members.

From September 2022, Sociology has been introduced at GCSE and A Level at Foxford. The teaching staff for Sociology are Mr T Jordan (GCSE) and Mr P Grady and Ms A Mottram (A Level).

The study of Sociology enables students to have a better understanding of the social world, so important in the modern age. This is broken down into the reasons for social differences and the impact of these on social behaviour; the relevance of social hierarchies and social power in modern society; and the role of social institutions and structures in everyday life.


At Key Stage 3, we have invested much time and effort into developing a broad and engaging curriculum as students develop skills reading and writing skills centred on exciting texts and concepts.

In Year 7 students, learn to write creatively with Conor O’Malley and his monster friend in Patrick Ness’ A Monster Calls, take a trip back in time to explore the effects of Shakespearean theatre, and travel the world through a range of poetry from all corners of the globe.

In Year 8, their persuasive writing skills are honed as they embark on an expedition to the Seven Wonders of the World, reading is developed through a terrifying journey through a range of gothic texts, and their inner poet is unleashed as they explore Shakespearean sonnets.

In Year 9, the growing maturity and understanding of our students is valued and encouraged as we research issues relating to Black Lives Matter whilst reading Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give, and themes of class, responsibility and the horrors of war are debated whilst studying ‘Journey’s End’ in preparation for GCSE.

At Key Stage 4 our focus is to prepare our students to achieve their potential for GCSE language and literature GCSE, taught concurrently by the same teacher.  As well as effective preparation for GCSE exams, it will develop the skills and understanding required for studying the subject further at A-level, foster a love of language and literature in all its forms and enable young people to communicate effectively in a wide variety of other subjects and situations. 

English Language will give you the opportunity to explore the writers’ craft and viewpoints through the study of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts and develop your own creative writing skills.

English Literature will develop your enjoyment of a wide range of literary texts from Shakespeare to contemporary novels and plays; alongside classic novels and poetry through the ages

We offer English Literature A level at present in post 16, and are excited to offer an opportunity to study A level English Language and Literature from September 2021.

We always put out students first therefore offer lots of after school opportunities whether this be intervention, debating club, reading for fun club and so much more!


At GCSE, the curriculum is based around three assessment objectives that help students to develop the sociological knowledge, understanding and skills required to be a high quality sociologist.

AO1: Knowledge and Understanding: this assessment objective helps students to demonstrate that they know and understand the key theories, thinkers, methods, terms, concepts and evidence that make up the course.

AO2: Application: this assessment objective ensures that students are able to apply their knowledge to the set questions in the examination. This requires study of a wide range of diverse issues and examples throughout the course.

AO3: Analysis and Evaluation: this requires students to be able to formulate extended essay-style responses that articulate analytical and evaluative skills relating to sociology.

The GCSE exam is split into two papers: Paper 1 focuses on the study of families and education; Paper 2 focuses on crime and deviance as well as social stratification.

At A Level, the integral elements of study are:

  • Sociological theories, perspectives and methods
  • Design of the research used to obtain sociological data, including strengths and limitations

The core themes are:

  • Socialisation, culture and identity
  • Social differentiation, power and stratification

The central focus of A Level Sociology is on UK society today, with consideration given to comparative dimensions where relevant, including the siting of UK society within its global context.

This is an exciting time to study English and Sociology at Foxford as we have invested so much time in staff professional development which will enable our students to succeed.

The English team consists of:

Key Staff

Faculty Lead: Miss E Rees

Assistant Faculty Lead: Miss G Konstantinidou

Lead Practitioner: Mr S Kay

Key Stage 3 Lead: Miss J Khan

Teaching Staff

Mr L Carsley

Mr C Czepukojc

Mr D Dhesi

Mr T Jordan

Ms K Kedney

Mr E Lawrence

Mr A Roberts

Miss M Rock

Miss S Sandhu

Ms S Townsend (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)

Please contact us at english@foxford.coventry.sch.uk if you should need to speak to the Faculty Leader or to get a message to your child’s English teacher.