Design & Technology Faculty

The Design & Technology Faculty is an engaging and innovative area of the school. It is a successful area that makes a significant contribution to the overall success of the school.

We aim to develop our students into successful, confident, independent and responsible learners who understand the importance of designing and making.

We provide a broad range of opportunities and contexts for our students to work as individuals or as part of a team. In Design and Technology, they develop knowledge, skills, and creativity by investigating, designing and making products using a variety of materials in different areas.

The Faculty continues to form good links with industry and higher education, allowing students to encounter the diverse ways in which technology is developing and being used in society.

The Key Stage 3 curriculum works on a rotation system with students working in all areas of Technology.

Further subject information

Key Staff

Faculty Lead: Mr A Tang

Teaching Staff

Miss R Barbon

Mr J Wilson

Mrs S Macallum (Technician)

Mr W Storey (Technician)